What I Believed Last November



I throw myself down onto the grass and lie

I throw myself into the arms of a tree and hang on as the wind comes rushing by

I press my heart into the ground and hang on as the world goes spinning around

I don’t believe in anything but I know the dirt is real

The tree in my grasp and the wind I can feel

I turn my face to the sun and hide from the cold

I remember nothing before I was born and I know I’m growing old

I believe birdsong in spring makes the heart leap 

The lullaby of a baseball game on the radio on a midsummer’s night lulls you to sleep

Cicadas mean the end of summer

The cry of a bird of prey on a winter’s day only pierces the lonely

I believe in endless cups of tea

And a simple meal’s the best way to warm your belly

Failing that is laughter

Or a drink and a smoke and taste you won’t remember til after

Endless cups of tea

Things that you can feel and taste, things that you can see

If that makes somebody sad it’s just because they want you to have what they have

Cinnamon and woodsmoke

Fresh mint leaves crushed between the teeth

Dinner on the stove, fresh baked bread

Kissing the top of a sleeping baby’s head